Photonics Technologies
Institute of Photonics Technology

n response to the rapid growth of photonic industry, the Institute of Electrical Engineering started research activities in photonics in 1994, offering postgraduate training in photonics. The Photonics Technology Group was then established in 1998, starting to enroll postgraduate students itself. The number of enrolled postgraduate students increased from 17 in 1999 into 32 in 2002, indicating that this research field has gained more and more interests.
In order to solidate the training of experts in photonics, as well as to integrate photonics-related research and teaching resources in the NTHU, the Istitute of Photonics Technologies were founded in 2003. The faculty members of the institute mainly come from the Photonic Technology Group, the Institute of Electronic Engineering, and the Institute of Physics. Such an inter-institute constitution has proved exceptional and has played an important role in boosting the development of photonics industry in Taiwan. The institute will continue to recruit new inter-institute faculty members, in order to expand its research and teaching capacity.
The institute emphasises inter-disciplinary training and research. As the prestigious Colledges of Science, Engineering, and Biology in the NTHU have been exceptionally active in photonics-related research and education, the Institute of Photonics Technologies focuses its research interests on photonic communication and photonic information. This is because the NTHU, based on its remarkable research achievements in foundamental science and engineering, has had a complete infrastructure for teaching and researching in photonics. These provide an ideal basis for the development of photonic communication and photonic information.
List of labs in the institute
Prof. Likarn Wang |
Prof. Lin, Fan-Yi |
Prof. Yen-Chieh Huang |
Prof. Shiuh Chao |
Prof. Ming-Chang Lee |
Prof. Shang-Da Yang |
Prof. Chen-Bin Huang |
Prof. Ray-Kuang Lee |
Prof. Yu-Chueh Hung |
Prof. Neil Na |
Prof. Ming-Chang Chen |
Prof. Ming-Chang Chen |