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CIEE 2020 Summer Working Holiday in USA Program

CIEE 2020 Summer Working Holiday in USA Program

Application to Scholarship Notice



The scholarship is funded by CIEE and the employers. The applicants are required to be nominated in CIEE Taiwan and participate in the global selection.


The scholarship inclusion

  • Summer working holiday in USA program fee
  • Health and travel insurance
  • SEVIS Fee
  • USA visa fee
  • Round airplane ticket (including domestic and international flight)
  • $500 USD petty cash



  • Age range between 18~28 with healthy physical and mental condition. Applicants must also possess ROC Taiwan citizenship and currently admitted to ROC universities (including master degree)
  • Meet one of the following conditions;
    • Financial needs – applicant can only participate this program only if she/he receives the scholarship.
    • Vulnerable group – a group that lacks of resources and needs attention in Taiwan
  • Possess leadership qualities, care for society and embrace the different cultures.


Required documents

Please convert all of following documents into pdf file that are not exceeded 2MB and send to info@cieetaiwan.org.tw with a subject: WAT Scholarship application_Applicant's Chinese name.


  • Resume in Chinese (please include your personal Instagram account)
  • Use Chinese and simply answer this question: Why do we have to choose you? In addition to the obligations listed 5 points of the consent form, what do you think you still want to do?
  • Use English and write short Essay (approximately 300~500 words) or a video of 1-2 minutes (Please provide the link if you use video) with following topic: The goal of CIEE Work & Travel USA is to increase mutual understanding between Americans and citizens of other countries. Are you a global citizen? Tell us what you hope to gain from living and working in the United States through this exchange program.
  • Recommendation letter from advisor
  • Signed scholarship selection consent form
  • **Applicants who got interview are required to submit a proof of study. **



Tel : 02-23640228

E-mail : info@cieetaiwan.org.tw


Application time

From today onwards until November 30, 2019.


Application process

The scholarship program is held in CIEE headquarter. Applicants are required to follow the application process; after completed the paper review and interview process, the applicants are eligible to compete in the global selection.

Paper review: the result will be announced on December 10, those who pass will be invited to join the interview.

Interview:  December 22 (tentative schedule), there will be 2 applicants selected to compete in the global selection.

Global selection: CIEE headquarter will announce the result on February 2020.


Activities Organizer

This activity is organized by Council on International Education Exchange (CIEE) and assisted by CIEE Taiwan. The organizer has the rights to modify, terminate or cancel the activity.  If there are further changes, the organizer will notify afterwards according to the relevant regulations.



**暑期美國工讀旅遊計畫資訊請上 CIEE Taiwan 官網查詢: www.cieetaiwan.org.tw 

Tel : 02-23640228 E-mail : info@cieetaiwan.org.tw 

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