Ph.D Candidate Eligibility for the Ph.D student of EE NTHU
Department of Electrical Engineering
Ph.D Candidate Eligibility
Every Ph.D student is eligible for being the Ph.D candidate after having these criterias as following;
- Finished all the required courses from the Ph.D program
- Passed the qualification examination
- Passed the language certification
- Passed the regulations determined by Department, Institute and College.
(Please refer to the NTHU Department of EE Regulations for the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Degree Program:Preliminary application for Ph.D degree Examination)
NTHU Department of EE Regulations for the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Degree Program:Preliminary application for Ph.D degree Examination
Ph.D. students are required to submit the following documents to the Postgraduate Education Committee of the department for applying for an oral defense as Ph.D degree examination.
1. Certificate of passing qualification exam.
2. Published papers (note SCI, impact factor)
3. Official transcripts proving that the course requirements have been fulfilled.
4. Certificate of passing test on first foreign language ability.
5. Originality of the Ph.D thesis (described within three pages)
The submission will be reviewed by Postgraduate Education Committee members (our Department will hold Postgraduate Education Committee meeting inviting 9 members of the committee with our Chairman or Vice Chairman as the convener.).
In principle, our Department will hold application review meeting 4 times every year (Three-fourth of the committee members have to attend the reviewing process and will be considered passed if more than half of committee members agree).
Procedure of preliminary application for Ph.D. degree Examination
Those are the eligibility of Ph.D candidate and qualification process.
(These requirements are adopted in Chinese, which shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the English translation and the Chinese original.)