“Ph.D Degree Examination” Important Notice for the Ph.D student of EE NTHU
Department of Electrical Engineering
“Ph.D Degree Examination” Important Notice
(revised 2024.10.01)
To every Ph.D students who would like to take the degree examination, please pay more attention on this important notice. If you have further inquiries, please kindly contact Mrs. Tseng (eeoffice@my.nthu.edu.tw).
- Oral examination of Spring semester starts from February 1 – July 31, while Fall semester starts from August 1 – January 31.
- Every Ph.D student who wishes to take the oral examination before the registration of new semester (early February - beginning of Spring semester or early August – beginning of Fall semester) is required to complete the registration procedures earlier. You could go to Division of Registration website and download all of the required registration form, then fill them out and submit them to the assigned division.
- Please check the format of the thesis from the Division of Registration.
- Delay graduation application: for every graduate student who has finished the oral examination and thesis review, yet wishes to take courses abroad, do exchange program, internship, or training has to apply for the upcoming semester to Department, Institute and College, as well as taking at least one course every semester (including Thesis and Research Thesis). Graduation certificate will be given after the end of abroad courses, exchange program, internship or traning and completion of any required extracurricular report or administrative report.
Whoever wishes to delay the graduation date has to proceed the application 1 month before the original graduation date along with the hard copies of abroad courses, exchange program, internship or training.
Eligibility of Ph.D student to take degree examination and application process will be described as following. Every tools mentioned in the following should be downloaded in the bottom page of this webpage:
- Every Ph.D student has to apply for “The preliminary application for Ph.D. degree Examination” to “Master and Ph.D Academic Committee” in Department of EE first. After passing the preliminary application for Ph.D degree examination and agreed by the advisor, Ph.D student will be eligible to apply for “Ph.D degree examination”.
- Please make sure that you have passed the “Online Academic Research Ethics Education Course”.
- Please use Turnitin tool to check your thesis draft’s originality.
- Please give a report on the subsidy or salary from Ministry of Science.
- Please consult to your advisor about the date of your degree examination.
- After you have confirmed the list of examination committee, date and place, please login to Academic Information System >Application system of the Oral Defenseè >Start to apply, two weeks prior to the oral examination the latest.
- After the completion of online registration procedure, please save and submit the application. Then, click on the “Report” to print the Application Form for Doctoral Degree Exam and Committee members of oral defense for Doctoral Degree. With the Transcript、 Proof of Thesis Originality by using Turnitin tool and The report on the research colloboration salary, scan and convert it together into a PDF file, and send it to the department office email (eeoffice@my. nthu.edu.tw). Please indicate the subject of the letter: student ID/name/Application for Ph.D Degree Oral Examination. (You do not need to submit the Advisor Approval Form on the first Department Evaluation).
- After passsing the first Department Evaluation, we will send you a notification e-mail, then you can login into Academic Information System >Application system of the Oral Defense >Print forms, to print out the forms (Final Thesis/Dissertation Review Form, Score Sheet of Oral Defense, Average Oral Defense Grade Form, and Advisor Approval Form). Appointment Letter for Degree Exam should be sent by email of Academic Information System.
Following is the document that you need to prepare on the day of your oral examination:
- Final Thesis/Dissertation Review Form (1 pcs)
- Advisor Approval Form (1 pcs)
- Score Sheet of Oral Defense (Please prepare copies with the same number of the total committee members)
- Average Oral Defense Grade Form (1 pcs)
- Proof of Thesis Originality by using Turnitin tool (at least 1 pcs)
- Plagiarism Detection Results Confirmed List (Please prepare copies with the same number of the total committee members)
- Thesis draft (at least 1 pcs)
After finishing the oral examination, please submit “Final Thesis/Dissertation Review Form, Score Sheet of Oral Defense, Average Oral Defense Grade Form, Advisor Approval Form, Plagiarism Detection Results Confirmed List, Thesis hard copy(final version), and Transportation fee for the oral examination report” to Department office.
- If you are not able to submit the final version of your thesis hard copy right after your oral examination, then our Department will keep your oral defense grade temporarily. After you submitted the final version of your thesis hard copy, we will submit your oral defense grade to the Division of Registration.
- Please submit your Ph.D overall grade and thesis hard copy to the Division of Registration before the beginning of new semester the latest.
Thesis softcopy file: After the completion of oral examination, transcript submission to the Department office, and the thesis revision, you are able to upload your thesis into our Library website. Please refer to the Submission Guidelines in the website.
Graduation procedures: Please login to Academic Information System to apply for the graduation procedures.
- Generally, you have to finish the graduation procedures before the beginning of new semester.
Graduation procedure from the Department: After you have passed the oral examination, please login into Academic Information System >Application system of the Oral Defense >Print forms, to print out the form “National Tsing Hua University Thesis/Dissertation Affidavit”, and go to our Department website (Master/PhD) to download “Graduation Procedure Form for the MS student and Ph.D student of EE NTHU(including the Graduates questionnaires)”, then fill out these forms. Please bring these forms along with your thesis hard copy (Hardcover : Power Electronic group in red and System group in black) to the Department office.
Receiving the Ph.D diploma: Please refer to the Division of Registration about the Graduation Procedures for Graduate Students & Procedures for Thesis Submissions.
The date of receiving the Ph.D diploma: three working days after the submission of oral examination grading form and thesis book.
(These requirements are adopted in Chinese, which shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the English translation and the Chinese original.)