2020 ISEP Exchange Program Fall Intake
2020 ISEP Exchange Program Fall Intake
Application Deadline: December 9th, 2019 before 16:00
1、Program Description:
1. ISEP (International Student Exchange Program) is dedicated to members of school organization who would like to do exchange program to another institution organization. The member of should be admitted into the school organization in 2018.
2. Participants of ISEP Exchange Program will have the discounted tuition fees, yet the students are required to pay for ISEP registration fee (approximately 100 USD, to be paid prior to the application), ISEP Distribution fee, ISEP Insurance fee, etc. According to the former participants who went to Europe and America, it costed about NTD 250,000 per semester.
3. Exchange program will be scheduled in Fall 2020.
4. Visit the website for more information: http://www.isep.org/ (Please go to the home page >Find a program > in the Program tab : Home University and then input 2020 Fall Semester, and then please select ISEP-Exchange in the apply filter program tab. You will the chance of placement order from limited, very limited, or most competitive, please make sure that you choose it wisely, so that your choice of school will be distributed to you. Also, please attach the transcript or language skills certificate that are required by your preferred schools).
5. Eligible countries to go: Student can check the countries in the Region system. Each student can choose 10 universities in maximum. The decision will be made by ISEP, our University recommendation does not represent that the students will be admitted to the exchange program.
2、Total recommendation by University: 2 persons (total Undergraduate, Master, and Ph.D. students that could receive the recommendation)
Every institute should recommend 2 persons in maximum and notify the University before the end of December for the ISEP application process.
3、Application eligibility and limitation:
1. Applicant requirement: Sophomore or above, Master or Ph.D. student of NTHU.
2. Grade: Undergraduate student GPA 3.20 or above, class rank 30% or above Graduate student GPA 3.20
3. Language certificate: fulfill the minimum language skills requirement set by ISEP (TOEFL or IELTS)
4. Choice of university: Each student is eligible to choose 10 ISEP institutes in maximum.
5. Other limitation: Student can only apply to ISEP Exchange once. As our school only has a quota of 2 persons, please consult with your family and academic advisors first before applying to this program. If the admitted student fails to join the program (except the ones who are rejected to join the program) due to personal reasons, he/she will not have the eligibility to apply ISEP program anymore in the future. We will put the name in the record.
4、Application document: please make sure the order of document is ordered as the following. Do not add any cover to the document and please use A4 paper.
1.ISEP application form (Please write in English, including CV, motivation letter, supporting document [please choose 2-3 document as the supporting document])
2.Application form (please write in English)
3.Photocopy of identity certificate (front and back), Student ID card (front and back), Passport, and recent photo (please attach them on the same page)
4.Transcript both in Chinese and English, undergraduate student should include the class rank in the transcript.
5.Language skills certificate. (Has to be within the minimum requirement of the preferred schools, the certificate should be valid after October 2017).
(1) First year Master student should attach both Undergraduate and Graduate transcript, while first year Ph.D. student should attach Master transcript, and Transfer student should attach the previous semester transcript from the former university.
(2) Transcript period should be until second semester of 2018 year.
(3) GPA chart, please refer to the following link. ( http://registra.web.nthu.edu.tw/files/13-1086-53644.php )
6. Professor recommendation letter 1 pcs
5、Application document deadline: NTHU will receive the last application document on December 24, 2019 (Tue). Applicants should send the application to the authorized department for the reviewing process. The authorized department of each university will be differed, thus please kindly check on the deadline of the authorized department to send the recommendation letter. Please send the hardcopy of the recommendation letter to OIA.
Ms. Chen E-mail: hsjchen@mx.nthu.edu.tw