




同學如對作業流程有相關問題,請與系辦公室承辦人員聯繫(曾小姐/分機62196 / E-mail:eeoffice@my.nthu.edu.tw)


備註: 寒/暑假期間不受理【博士班研究生畢業資格初審】申請作業




Electrical Engineering Department

Procedure of preliminary application for Ph.D. degree Examination


1. From 104 Academic Year, Ph.D. students who are eligible for preliminary application for Ph.D. degree Examination and have papers published in journals and conferences listed in the "Recommended journals and conferences for publishing Ph.D. results" can file an application to the department office (please complete the application form with required materials) with the approval of the advisor. After checking the application and related materials, the department office will submit the application to the Ph.D. Education Committee of the department for examination on the last week of each month. The result of the application will be forwarded to the students.

2. In accordance with regulation, the Ph.D. Education Committee will still hold regular meetings twice per semester (Mid-term and final) to examine the applications filed by Ph.D. students who are eligible for preliminary application for Ph.D. degree Examination with papers not published in journals and conferences listed in the "Recommended journals and conferences for publishing Ph.D. results"

3. If you have any question about the application procedure, please contact the department office (E-mail:eeoffice@my.nthu.edu.tw).