


Analog/Digital/RF architecture and circuit designs, Signal processing and AI/ML for acoustic/visual/biomedical/cognitive/robotic applications, Power system, Power electronics and green energy, Quantum computing and communication


AI/ML for communications, Communications for AI/ML, Integrated sensing and communications, Non-terrestrial networks, Optimization theory, Advanced technologies for next-generation communications


3D CMOS process and devices, Nanoelectronics, Nano-photonics, MEMS and BAW/SAW technologies, Memory and CIM technologies, Quantum and qubit technologies, IoT devices, Secure chip and PUF technology, Sensor and detector technologies, BCD power and wide band gap devices, RF and SOI devices, Millimeter-wave and antennas techniques, THz technologies, Neuromorphic computation, Biomedical electronics, Biotechnology, Bioelectronics and bio-sensor


Optical metrology for semiconductors, Green photonics, Photonics for defense, Quantum technologies,  Lasers, Optoelectronic devices














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