Online house tour by 3D panorama photo allows buyers feel as real as being there


【Sources】:  中央社iThome 、udn聯合新聞網蘋果日報


Taiwan's R&D team has the world's best "Smart 3D Reconstruction" technology. Through a panoramic photo and machine learning technology, you can rebuild the whole indoor environment. People can play 3D games or have a tour of a house.


The team pointed out that the current technology "Only need a panoramic photo", through machine learning technology, without the need of retouching can rebuild the indoor 3D pattern, combined with virtual reality technology, viewers can feel the three-dimensional scene.


iStaging Company and NTHU EE pointed out that Taiwan's "Smart 3D Reconstruction" technology is currently the best in the world. Compared with the second place, the accuracy is 15% higher, and the team will go to the United States in June to participate The Computer Vision and Graphic Identification Workshop (CVPR) and publish the results.


The Ministry of Science and Technology held a press conference on "Smart 3D Reconstruction of Panorama photo". iStaging Company and NTHU EE collaborated to complete the "Smart 3D Reconstruction" study.


↑清華大學電機工程學系副教授孫民說明智慧全景3D重建技術的研究成果。(照片來源 : iThome ) 

Sun Min, an associate professor of electrical engineering at Tsinghua University, pointed out that with the popularity of panoramic cameras, more and more panoramic photos are used in commercial services. Like the earliest Google Street View services, there are now many house agency companies using panoramic services for online house touring.

Sun Min said that in response to the increasing demand for panoramic services, NTHU and iStaging Company are engaged in industry-university cooperation, and the research and development results have exceeded the high threshold of manual measurement, depth camera and multiple photos.


↑全景照片藉智慧演算出的3D模型。 清大電機資訊學院提供

Zhu Hong-Guo, an associate professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at THU, added that if the simpler pattern is accurate, the accuracy rate will reach 90%, and the 4000 photos in the test library will have an accuracy rate of 80%.

Li Zhong-Bin, founder and CEO of iStaging Company, said that this is two cross-border creation revolutions. The first is to create a spark with VR, AR and AI. The second is cross-border. Thousands of room types are uploaded to the website every day. It can help to enhance machine training and improve accuracy.

Li Zhong-Bin pointed out that the iStaging service has spread to 50 countries around the world. This technology will be extended to overseas markets. It has applied for patents in Taiwan, China, Europe and the United States. The team hopes to commercialize the research and development results as soon as possible, and the technology will be applied to house agency, tourism and retail industry.


